High School Events
High School Events
Architectural Design
Event Description: Participants (5 Teams of up to 4 students per chapter) develop a set of architectural plans and related materials for an annual architectural design challenge and construct a physical, as well as a computer-generated model, to accurately depict their design.
The 2025 design problem is to select a type and location for a museum of the team’s choice and then design a museum that meets the following considerations and constraints. - Design Brief
State Conference Coordinator: Sara Parris
Coordinator Contact: sparris22@gapps.bcsds.org
Board Game design
Event Description: Participants (3 teams of 2-3 students per chapter) Participants develop, build, and package a board game that focuses on the subject of their choice. The game should be interesting, exciting, visually appealing, and intellectually challenging. Each team will have to design the packaging, instructions, pieces, and cards associated with creating and piloting a new board game. Semifinalists for the event will set up the game, demonstrate how the game is played, and explain the game’s features.
State Conference Coordinator: Eric Van Veldhuzien -Rock Valley
Coordinator Contact: evanveld@rvclass.org
CAD Architecture
Event Description: Participants (2 individuals per chapter) create representations, such as foundation and/or floor plans, and/or elevation drawings, and/or details of architectural ornamentation or cabinetry.
Participants must bring their own computer and CAD software.
Iowa Specific Rules and Rubric
Upload your Submission here
State Conference Coordinator: Joe Huebbe, Johnston MS
Coordinator Contact: joe.huebbe@johnston.k12.ia.us
CAD Engineering
Event Description: Participants (2 individuals per chapter) create 3D computer model(s) of an engineering or machine object, such as a machine part, tool, device, or manufactured product.
Participants must bring their own computer and CAD software.
Upload your Submission here
State Conference Coordinator: Joe Huebbe, Johnston MS
Coordinator Contact: joe.huebbe@johnston.k12.ia.us
Chapter of Excellence Document: Please fill out this document completely and email to Rhys South, contact information below. The Due Date is April 4th by 3pm.
State Conference Coordinator: Rhys South, Johnston HS
Coordinator Contact: rhys.south@johnston.k12.ia.us
Chapter Team
Event Description: Participants (2 Teams of 6 Students per Chapter) will perform an opening ceremony, dispose of three items of business, and perform a closing ceremony within a specified time period.
Iowa Specific Rules, Rubric, and Documents
State Conference Coordinator: Cale Hutchings, Iowa Department of Education
Coordinator Contact: cale.hutchings@iowa.gov
Event Description: Participants (5 teams of 1-3 students per chapter)
Theme: Create a “touch and feel” or interactive storybook that introduces TSA and its benefits to young readers in an engaging manner.
State Conference Coordinator: James Roberts
Coordinator Contact: james.roberts@dcgschools.com
Event Description: Participants (6 teams of 2 students per chapter) respond to an annual coding-related design challenge by developing a software program that will accurately address an onsite a problem in a specified, limited amount of time.
The following programming languages may be used to complete the assigned problems:
Java (version 10)
Participants will be presented with a series of coding problems that must be completed on site at the conference. Evaluation will be based on the successful completion of the problems and the time in which it takes students or teams to complete all the challenges.
The USA Computing Olympiad website and the ACM-ICPC International website are helpful resources for the Coding event. Additional resources that can be used to prepare for the event are listed below:
All materials should be submitted via this form by 3:30-7:00pm Monday, April 7th. List participant names, school, chapter sponsor name and email address, along with all submitted materials.
All Teams must pre-register by Friday, April 4th here (Pre-register Link)
State Conference Coordinator: Denise Hoag
Coordinator Contact: dhoag@cbcsd.org
Data science and analytics
Event Description: Participants of (3 teams of 2 members per chapter).
Identify and use a "Real Estate," "Housing," and/or "Community" related open-source data set for your analyses and research. In the scientific poster, cite the source of the data, including the URL/domain and file format.
Students will submit their findings using the official TSA scientific poster template and a documentation portfolio. All final products should be in PDF format. Refer to the National TSA Event Guide for specifics on what to include within your documentation portfolio and scientific poster.
By Friday, April 4th, 2025, all teams must pre-register: Data Science Team Pre-Registration. All documents should be submitted via this submission form by 3:00 pm Monday, April 7th, 2025. Remember all submissions (scientific poster and documentation portfolio) need to be in PDF format.
Tuesday morning, all teams will participate in an on-site presentation of their digital scientific poster. Each team will have to present using their own devices. No electricity or internet will be provided.
State Conference Coordinator: Debra Robinson, Council Bluffs Community School District
Coordinator Contact: dlrobinson@cbcsd.org
Debating Technical Issues
Event Description: Participants (3 teams of 2 members per chapter) work together to prepare for a debate against a team from another chapter. Teams are instructed on site to take either the pro or con side of a subtopic (which falls under a general topic) that is designated annually. Participants need to be ready to debate all three subtopics, pro or con.
Topic: Biotechnology
Subtopic 1: Biometric identification poses a security threat within the digital world.
Subtopic 2: Gene-editing biotechnologies such as the CRISPR-Cas9 system, set a dangerous precedent for science applications in healthcare.
Subtopic 3: Brain interface technologies, such as Elon Musk’s Neuralink, provide a unique and beneficial solution to mental health issues.
State Conference Coordinator: Cale Hutchings, Iowa Department of Education
Coordinator Contact: cale.hutchings@iowa.gov
Digital Video Production
Event Description: Participants (2 Teams of 3 Students per Chapter) develop a digital video/film that focuses on the current year’s design challenge. Sound may accompany the film.
2025 Theme: Create a short film that includes at least 30 seconds of animation
State Conference Coordinator: Gabe Cowan, Winterset
Coordinator Contact: gcowan@winterset.k12.ia.us
All materials should be submitted via this form by 3:00pm Monday, April 8th. List participant names, school, chapter sponsor name and email address, along with all submitted materials.
Dragster Design
Event Description: Participants (5 Individuals per Chapter) design, produce working drawings for, and build a CO2- powered dragster.
For High School, a CAD drawing with dimensions is required in order to race. No hand drawn sketches will be accepted for high school.
All cars will run one qualifying time trial. The top eight legal cars based on time will advance to championship bracket.
State Conference Coordinator: Rhys South
Coordinator Contact: rhys.south@johnston.k12.ia.us
Extemporaneous SPEECH
Event Description: Participants (3 Individuals per chapter) give a three-to-five minute speech fifteen minutes after having drawn a card on which a technology or TSA topic for a speech is written.
State Conference Coordinator: Cale Hutchings, Iowa Department of Education
Coordinator Contact: cale.hutchings@iowa.gov
Fashion Design AND TEchnology
Event Description: Participants (3 Teams of 3 - 5 Students per Chapter) research, develop and create garment designs, garment mock- ups, and portfolios that reflect the current year’s published theme. Semifinalists participate in an on-site event in which they present their potential garment designs to the judges on a TSA runway.
2025 Theme: Create a prototype of a marching band uniform for a performance with the theme of “Earth, Wind, Fire, Water.” The prototype must include a type of wearable technology. No pyrotechnics or ignitable elements are permitted.
Teams will submit one (1) or two (2) garments for judging (top and bottom or one [1]-piece.) All required components must fit inside a 32-quart plastic container. Any accessories (hats, gloves, boots, etc.) may be used during semifinalist presentations, however, they are not submitted in the preliminary round.
State Conference Coordinator: Becky Mozingo
Coordinator Contact: becky_mozingo@yahoo.com
Flight Endurance
Event Description: Participants (5 Individuals per Chapter, one entry per individual) analyze flight principles with a rubber band-powered model aircraft.
State Conference Coordinator: Heidi Lumbard, Creston
Coordinator Contact: hlumbard@crestonschools.org
Forensic Science
Event Description: Participants (five [5] teams of two [2] members per chapter) Teams will examine a mock crime scene and demonstrate their knowledge of forensic science and crime scene analysis. Students will be expected to survey the scene and use proper techniques to collect evidence from the mock crime scene. Students will then collect their data and perform a detailed written analysis of the crime scene.
Teams will be required to bring a forensics kit containing items needed to process the crime scene. Materials will not be provided this year.
State Conference Coordinator: James Roberts
Coordinator Contact: james.roberts@dcgschools.com
Manufacturing Prototype
Event Description: Participants design, fabricate, and use Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) to create a product that addresses the annual theme. A documentation portfolio and the completed product prototype are submitted for evaluation. Semifinalists give a product “sales pitch” and demonstration.
2025 Theme: An item that can be used as picture frames for a home or office while also serving another purpose
State Conference Coordinator: Eric Van Veldhuzien -Rock Valley
Coordinator Contact: evanveld@rvclass.org
Music Production
Event Description: Participants (three teams per chapter; an individual may participate solo in this team event)
2025 Theme: Create a musical piece that will be used as the background music for a role-playing game (RPG) video game. It will be played during the parts of the game when the player’s character is visiting the blacksmith.
State Conference Coordinator: Becky Mozingo
Coordinator Contact: becky_mozingo@yahoo.com
All materials should be submitted via this form by 3:00pm Monday, April 8th. List participant names, school, chapter sponsor name and email address, along with all submitted materials.
Event Description: Once participants receive the challenge details (required criteria, such as props and a line of dialogue) at the State TSA conference, they have the conference to produce a 60-second film that showcases video skills, tools, and communication processes. The quality of the completed video production determines the finalists. (3 teams of 2)
TOPIC: 2025: To be determined
PROPS: To be determined
LINE OF DIALOGUE: To be determined
State Event Coordinator: Gabe Cowan
Coordinator Contact: gcowan@winterset.k12.ia.us
All materials should be submitted via this form. List participant names, school, chapter sponsor name and email address, along with all submitted materials.
Photographic Technology
Event Description: Participants (5 Individuals per Chapter) capture and process photographic and digital prints that depict the current year’s published theme. Event will be judged as a drop-off final with no interview and no on site requirement.
2025 Theme: Using five photographs, tell a story about your journey in TSA. The type of photo (color, black and white, macro, still life, and student choice) should add to the impact of the story you are sharing.
State Conference Coordinator: Gene Olsen, Central Decatur HS
Coordinator Contact: gene.olsen@centraldecatur.org
Prepared Presentation
Event Description: Participants (3 Individuals per Chapter) deliver an oral presentation, which should include audio and/or visual enhancement, based on the theme for the current year’s conference.
2025 Theme: Develop a presentation that highlights the field of digital music production, including the timeline of its origin, development, fruition, and release of the technology on a global scale.
State Conference Coordinator: Cale Hutchings, Iowa Department of Education
Coordinator Contact: cale.hutchings@iowa.gov
Promotional Design
Event Description: Participants (5 individuals per chapter, 1 entry each) develop and present a graphic design that can be used to promote participation in TSA competitive events. The design will promote annually-selected competitions from TSA’s array of competitive events.
2025 Theme: Branding materials for a fictitious restaurant; the four (4) Promotional Folder items are student choice.
State Conference Coordinator: Kylie South, Iowa State University
Coordinator Contact:
RC Transportation
Event Description: Participants (5 Teams of 3 Students per Chapter) will compete in a Radio Controlled Car racing event. The RC Cars will be provided either by the students or participating school chapter. A set of guidelines, motor requirements, and frequencies will be posted in this area prior to the Local and State Conferences.
RC Car Rules: Click to Download Rules Sheet
Spring Conference RC Registration, Due April 4th, 2025: Team Registration Link
State Conference Coordinator: Chad Sorber, Perry
Coordinator Contact: chad.sorber@g.perry.k12.ia.us
Software Development
Event Description: Participants (3 Teams of up to 4 Students per chapter) Participants use their knowledge of cutting-edge technologies, algorithm design, problem-solving principles, effective communication, and collaboration to design, implement, test, document, and present a software development project of educational or social value.
Teams will present their program or app to the judges at the competition. They must be prepared to walk through the development process and the functionality of the program/app.
2025 Theme: Develop a program that enhances the environment and/or agriculture to be more sustainable and efficient.
State Conference Coordinator: James Roberts
Coordinator Contact: james.roberts@dcgschools.com
Event Description: Participants (3 Teams of 2 Students per chapter) work as part of a team on-site with supplied materials to build a model of a structure that is destructively tested to determine design efficiency.
Iowa Specific Rule: Structures will be built at the State Conference. All participants need to bring their own building tools and glue. The building materials (except glue) will be provided by Iowa TSA at the event.
Announcement: The structure design drawing can be done in advance of the contest. Bring the completed design drawing to check in with you.
2025 Problem Statement
Storage Box Plan Drawing (Not required for Iowa’s State Conference)
Structural Design Description and Team Verification Document
State Conference Coordinator: Ben Chadwick, Johnston MS
Coordinator Contact: ben.chadwick@johnston.k12.ia.us
Technology Bowl
Event Description: Participants (3 Teams of 3 Students per Chapter) complete a head-to-head team competition.
State Conference Coordinator: Sara Parris, Burlington
Coordinator Contact: sparris22@gapps.bcsds.org
Technology Problem Solving
Event Description: Participants (4 Teams of 2 Students per Chapter) work together on site to develop and create a solution to a problem using the limited materials provided and the tools allowed.
*TOOLBOX REMINDER* All problem solving teams need to bring a toolbox that contains the items listed on the National TSA event description. Please make sure prior to the event that your toolbox contains only the allowed items to participate in the challenge. Teams who use outside materials not listed by the National TSA Event Description will be subject to point deductions/disqualification. (Updated on 10/23/24)
State Conference Coordinator: Rhys South, Johnston HS
Coordinator Contact: rhys.south@johnston.k12.ia.us
Transportation Modeling
Event Description: Participants (5 individuals per chapter, 1 entry per individual) use engineering skills to design and fabricate a CO2-powered scale model of a vehicle that meets the current year’s stated design theme.
2025 Design Problem: Food trucks
State Conference Coordinator: Gene Olsen
Coordinator Contact: gene.olsen@centraldecatur.org
Event Description: Participants design, build, document, and test a robot assembled using open-sourced parts according to stated specifications and to meet the challenge of the yearly theme/problem. . (Unlimited Entries per Chapter)
Link to Description: Here
State Conference Coordinator: Rhys South, Johnston HS
Coordinator Contact: rhys.south@johnston.k12.ia.us
Video Game Design
Event Description: Participants (three [3] teams per chapter) develop a game that reflects the theme for the year. The game must have high artistic, educational, and social value and be interesting, exciting, visually appealing, and intellectually challenging.
2025 Theme: Kid’s game, 2 to 4 players, playable on one (1) screen and one (1) keyboard at a time
State Event Coordinator: Josh Atwell
Coordinator Contact: jatwell@boone.k12.ia.us
All materials should be submitted via email @ jatwell@boone.k12.ia.us by 3:00pm Monday, April 7th. List participant names, school, chapter sponsor name and email address, along with all submitted materials.
Event Description: Participants (three teams [3] of three to six [3-6] individuals per chapter; one entry per team) design, build, and launch a website that features the team's ability to incorporate the elements of website design, graphic layout, and proper coding techniques.
2025 Topic: A restaurant (dine-in and carry-out) that specializes in vegetarian food
Challenge: Design a website for a vegan/vegetarian restaurant. Showcase the restaurant’s approach (such as farm-to-table, preparation processes, and sustainability) to the food served in the restaurant.
State Event Coordinator: Julie Pomrenke
Coordinator Contact: pomerjul@sblschools.com
All materials should be submitted via email by 3:00pm Monday, April 7th. List participant names, school, chapter sponsor name and email address, along with all submitted materials.